Track and trace

Track and Trace in the Mailroom Solutions environment is integrated into the web interface of the system. Track and Trace utilizes the access control system of the Mailroom Manager server. This way the user automatically sees their incoming and outgoing shipments in the track and trace view.
Shipments can be searched based on sender name, recipient name, sender address, recipient address, internal ID, carrier ID or airway bill number.
When carrier interfaces are activated in the system, Mailroom Manager also synchronizes with carrier Track and Trace systems. This way you only need a single place to track all incoming and outgoing shipments.
Workflow monitoring

Mailroom Manager server environment collects statistics on all operations in a postal process. The data is collected to a dedicated log server. Using this architecture, it is possible to integrate also to external data sources, for example to automatic sorting machines.
The data can be observed in real-time using Mailroom Manager Monitoring tools and for advanced purposes, exported to third-party statistics and analytics software for further processing.
Mailroom Manager Monitoring tools mine the data from log server and provide various views to the data:
- Overall speed
- Device-specific speed
- Average speed
- Average read rate
- The total amount of mailpieces
- Total number of sessions
- Classification and percentage of recognition
- Device-specific statistics and parameters
Workflow monitoring enables performance-based compensation, monitoring of the process efficiency, and gives the possibility to take the needed actions to keep the work running smoothly. Using the monitoring is easy to visualize trends and predict the future with confidence, identify problems in the process and correct them and also to forecasting manpower and processing time with great precision.